Die Protagonistinnen tragen Pappmachekostüme, welche Kopien der Faltenwürfe der "Elgin Marbles" sind und erinnern in ihrem Aufzug (Darstellung und Pose) an klassische Tragödiendarsteller. . The protagonists wear papier mâché garments, which imitate the vestures of the "Elgin Marbles". "Elgin Marbles" are fragments of figural groups found on the Parthenonfrieze of the Acropolis. These fragments were factually stolen by Lord Elgin, a British ambassador in 1801; he sold them to the British National Museum and today they belong to its most famous collection pieces.The culture, especially the architecture of Ancient Greece, was often cited in European history. Massive pillars, stable triangular pediments, hermetic structure and strict symmetry symbolize importance, safety and prosperity. This architecture also refers to the ideal and ever lasting Greek culture. The later European temple architecture of cathedrals, banks, government buildings and museums confirmed in an special way the existing social order, the dominant distribution of capital and the universal ideals of art. It has influenced the appearance of the centres of European cities until today.